Perfect for those who would like mostly seasonal, locally grown, organic produce with the occasional element of imported fruit and/or veg such as bananas, oranges & more. PUBLISHED BOX CONTENTS LISTS ARE A GUIDELINE ONLY & SUBJECT TO PRODUCT QUALITY & AVAILABILITY. 10 varieties of organically grown fruit, veg and seasonal salad. This box will include staples such as potatoes, carrots & onions most weeks but they may not necessarily be included every week. Includes up to 4 varieties of fruit (not necessarily UK grown) and the remainder of the box is made up with a selection of seasonal vegetables and/or salad items up to a total of 10 varieties. Suitable for 2 - 4 people.
Organic Mixed Colour Beetroot
Organic New Season Potatoes
Organic Washed Carrots
Organic Yellow Onions
Organic Flat Beans
Organic Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Organic True Spinach
Organic Bananas
Organic Mandarins
Organic Seasonal Eating Apples: Various