Image of Maistic 6L Food Bags

Maistic 6L Food Bags

16 Compostable Bags

Maistic 6L Food Bags
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About our Maistic 6L Food Bags


The Maistic 2.gen bags are made for the organic lifecycle. When storing your food in Maistic 2.gen Food Bags, you use bags that are fully biodegradable and certified home compostable with food scraps. By being home compostable you can either put bags in biowaste bin for commercial composting – or compost at home with your food scraps in closed, moist and well taken care of compost environment. The Maistic 2.gen includes biobased ingredients, e.g. corn starch from organically grown, GMOfree corn and PHA from upcycled food scraps. Maistic Home Compostable bags comes with an Often Good After-date printed on the box. Why? Just as greens, milk and pate they are meant to biodegrade over time, home compostable bags are too. Best Before date on box is +1 year from production.